Space Technology

Governments spend billions of dollars on expensive space programs. Is it worth such substantial amounts in this direction?

The last decades have witnessed increasing investments on space exploration. Nonetheless, there are those who contend that governments should utilise tax revenues on public affairs rather than funding space research. In this sense, whether utilising tax revenues on space projects is beneficial or detrimental is yet to be ascertained.

First and foremost, being acknowledged pivotal to people’s day-to-day life, space technology has applications in diverse sectors, including broadcasting of television programmes, searching information on the internet and communicating by mobile phones which depend on man-made satellites; needless to say, it is the contribution of space science. Without space technology, there would be no man-made satellite orbiting in the space, which provides individuals with convenience in transferring information and in communication.

From another stance, space exploration is deemed to be an emergency which, incidentally, sustains human life in the foreseeable future. Global crises, including energy shortages, global warming and the extinguishing sun could lead the Earth to be unsuitable for living. Interestingly enough, one the remarkable observation coming from research findings is that human population would be overcrowded during five hundred years. Time and again, it is imperative for states to develop space technology to search for appropriate planets to ensure human sustainability.

Viewed as a whole, it is axiomatic that space technology benefits the general public’s day-to-day life in applying to various fields, and tax revenues are properly allocated to space projects. On the basis of my observation, governments funding on space research cannot be reduced; it ensures not only the living standards, but also the sustainability of mankind.



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