Position Gender

Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 per cent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree?

In our times, it is widely acknowledged that females outnumber males in a variety of positions in companies, except those senior positions. Nevertheless, a staggering number of individuals, particularly feminists, have challenged the inequality of female workers in pursuing high-level position. In this sense, whether companies should provide more high-level jobs for women is yet to be ascertained.

Undoubtedly, the majority of senior positions are occupied by male staff. Time and again, the criteria to appoint those male employees to managerial positions may be based on their working ability. In like manner, senior positions in every successful company are taken by extraordinary employee irrespective of gender. Conversely, it is a common occurrence that female workers are inclined to devote their time on children’s upbringing. As a result, the likelihood of promotion would be decreased.

From another stance, it would be an unfeasible endeavour to set a particular portion of high-level position for female and male workers. In truth, the gender proportion in the workforce varies every year. Hence, it is unreasonable for companies and governments to allocate managerial post according to gender distribution. In addition, it is inappropriate for those small companies to set the proportion where they only have one to two senior positions.

Viewed as a whole, it is axiomatic that providing a certain number of senior positions to females in companies has their own positive and negative implications. To my way of thinking, an employee with outstanding talent, irrespective of gender, can play a pivotal in a company.



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