
顯示從 4月, 2016 起發佈的文章


地址:旺角彌敦道 620-628 號瓊華中心 5 樓 電話:2395 2730 星期六下午近1500來到餐廳,無需等位便可內進。 數款下午茶餐可供選揀,每款$48, 加$6可無限添飲特式飲料,另加$10送小食一款。 我們點了兩個下午茶餐,每枱也有一大樽檸檬水,而每個餐份量也很大,所以沒有加配飲料或小食。 下午茶套餐均送韓式清湯,泡菜,海帶及炑八沙律。 清湯感覺像味精湯,湯內有幾點肉碎,只吃了那一丁點肉,沒有把清喝完,飲檸檬水好像較健康。 泡菜不太辣,對我來說酸辣度剛好,很易入口。 海帶浸在水中,微酸,不錯。 米八沙律,沙律菜配適量麻醬。雖然味道很好,但份量超大,較難一個人完成。我看到待應收拾其他餐桌時把整碟沙律倒了,真的很浪費。 1號餐:雞肉年糕湯面 這個湯麵其實是雞肉公仔麵加上年糕片。 經醃制過的雞肉帶有點點甜味。 雖然年糕片本身沒有味道,但配上濃濃的味精湯,煙煙勒勒的,味道和口感都還可以。 至於那個公仔麵,份量頗多,但我吃不出它是否韓式公仔麵。 碗中還有一些菜配料,當中包括紫菜,這些紫菜碎好像由當作零食的韓國紫菜弄碎而來。 2號餐:鐵板LA骨飯 這個飯以鐵板上桌,熱呼呼的。 LA骨即牛仔骨,配上香濃黑椒味,就像吃Papper Lunch一樣。 本來很想試試$10的小吃,但這個套餐的份量就如晚餐一樣,已吃不下小吃了。 雖然$48一個下午茶餐是貴了一點,但以份量和款式來說,性價比超高。 唯一的缺點就是嘈了一點。


早前向大家介紹我的賺錢新發現-看廣告賺錢。 或許有人覺得有點像騙案,但我真的賺到了。 其實有玩電話app, JAG, 的朋友應該對看廣告賺錢有所認識,只是 ClixSense 是一家美國公司,賺錢方式較多元化(看廣告、做任務、抽獎、做問卷等)、次數不限及可稅換成現金。 本人於10/4/2016在 ClixSense 開了Account, 過了9天,已賺到近USD$9了。 我只用了每天等巴士、坐車、等這等那的多餘時間來玩 ClixSense 便輕易賺到車費了。 在 ClixSense 開Account教學:  看廣告,賺點零用 - ClixSense 用 ClixSense 賺點零用教學:  看廣告,賺點零用 - ClixSense

看廣告,賺點零用- ClixSense

因為Google Adsense制抓極多,在訪尋其他廣告中介公司時,學會了這個新玩意。 雖然它不會令你賺大錢,但用平日等車、搭車、等lift, 上班工作得悶時的時間來賺點零用,何樂而不為呢!? 這次要介紹的是 ClixSense 這家公司,自2007年成立。 準備功夫: 1. 先要有一個Paypel Account 要收錢總要有一個戶口,這家公司可透過支票、Paypal或PayToo給你付款,在我而言,Paypal較方便。 2. 在 ClixSense 註冊 可按以下Banner進入ClixSense主頁並在右方"Signup for ClixSense FREE and start earning"填上個人資料,然後按"Signup Now". 3. Email Validation 成功註冊後, ClixSense 會發一封"Email Validation"電郵到閣下所登記之電郵地址中。 依指示按下電郵內那條link去activate剛申請的ClixSense Account. 4. 填寫個人資料 登入填寫個人資料,如電話號碼,Paypal Account等。 5. 大成功 來到這個地步,便可以登入 ClixSense 開始賺錢了! 註: 此網站會記著閣下登記所用之電子儀器(e.g. 電腦,智能電話,平板電腦)的IP,因此每部Device只能登記一次。 賺錢方法如下: 登入後,可看到網站上方的Menu Bar. 1. 看廣告 於Menu Bar按"View Ads"。 接著會看到很多小格,這些小格便是廣告了。 小格右下方寫著此廣告要看多久及完成後所得款項(款項以美金計算)。 以以下廣告為列,只須看3 Sec便可以賺到USD$0.001. 你只須按下一個小格,便會有一個廣告分頁彈出來。 等候廣告頁面的圖牌顯示出來,然後點選貓貓圖案,計時器便會開始計時。 待計時結束後並看到如下圖字句便可以關閉此頁。 註: 看廣告購錢這個方法較快捷簡單,而且經常也有新廣告,以我的經驗,每小時有幾個廣告。 看廣告時必須留在該頁面,看廣

Space Technology

Governments spend billions of dollars on expensive space programs. Is it worth such substantial amounts in this direction? The last decades have witnessed increasing investments on space exploration. Nonetheless, there are those who contend that governments should utilise tax revenues on public affairs rather than funding space research. In this sense, whether utilising tax revenues on space projects is beneficial or detrimental is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, being acknowledged pivotal to people’s day-to-day life, space technology has applications in diverse sectors, including broadcasting of television programmes, searching information on the internet and communicating by mobile phones which depend on man-made satellites; needless to say, it is the contribution of space science. Without space technology, there would be no man-made satellite orbiting in the space, which provides individuals with convenience in transferring information and in communication.

Nuclear technology

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains the world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? The last decades have witnessed an increasing role in utilising nuclear technology. Being deemed a pollution-free and limitless energy, nuclear power is regarded as substitute of existing fossil-based energy. Nonetheless, there are those who contend that nuclear weapons pose an imminent threat to the global peace. In this sense, whether nuclear technology is beneficial or detrimental to mankind is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, nuclear weapons can lead to a total destruction of humanity. Interestingly enough, one of the remarkable observations coming from research findings is that the energy of explosion from sixteen nuclear bombs can eliminate all living species, and the radiation remained can last for hundreds of years. From another stance, nuclear technology has a

Olympic Games

Some people say that the Olympic Games don’t have a role to play in the 21 st century. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reason. In out times, an increasing popularity has been witnessed in international sport events, including the Soccer World Cup and the Olympic games. A staggering number of countries have applied to host these world-class events. Nonetheless, there are those who contend that the Olympic Games are losing its significance. In this sense, whether the Olympic Games still play a pivotal role in the twenty-first century is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, the Olympic Games are deemed to be spending the message of peace to the whole world. They provide countries with a platform not only for sports’ competition but also for improving international relationships. Time and again, other countries can learn and appreciate the tradition and culture of the host country which helps reducing political tensions amongst participating countries. From another

Position Gender

Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 per cent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree? In our times, it is widely acknowledged that females outnumber males in a variety of positions in companies, except those senior positions. Nevertheless, a staggering number of individuals, particularly feminists, have challenged the inequality of female workers in pursuing high-level position. In this sense, whether companies should provide more high-level jobs for women is yet to be ascertained. Undoubtedly, the majority of senior positions are occupied by male staff. Time and again, the criteria to appoint those male employees to managerial positions may be based on their working ability. In like manner, senior positions in every successful company are taken by extraordinary employee irrespective of gender. Convers

Energy Sources

Governments should make more effort to promote alternative sources of energy. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion? In our times, it is widely acknowledged that shortage of fossil-based fuels is anticipated. Furthermore, there are those, notably environmentalists, who contend that burning fossil fuels is the culprit of global warming. In this sense, whether governments’ policy on utilizing fossil fuels is beneficial or detrimental to the general public is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, being deemed non-renewable, carbon-based energy sources including coals, oils and gases are inadequate in the foreseeable future. It is axiomatic that the cost of these sources will increase dramatically with the decreasing surplus. Without the inexpensive cost advantage, undoubtedly, governments’ preferences on promoting renewable energy sources are expected. From another stance, it is widely acknowledged that renewable energy sources are environmentally fri

Both Parent Work

In today’s competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from additional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents’ absence. In our times, it is a common occurrence that both parents are far too preoccupied with their work in order to secure a livelihood. A staggering number of individuals claim that children benefit by additional income from their parents. Nonetheless there are those who contend that lack of parents’ guidance make children prone to detrimental peer pressure. In this sense, whether both parents should be gainfully employed is beneficial to their offspring is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, being deemed privileged, students who mastered a musical instrument increased the likelihood of securing a place in renowned educational institutions. Nevertheless, it is by no means feasible for students to master a musical instrument with only a pa

Student Pressure

In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What do you think of the causes are this? What solution can you suggestion? In our times, it is widely acknowledged that students endure excessive pressure from their studies, including obtaining outstanding academic results. As a result, it becomes a trend that students devote a sizeable proportion of the time to studying rather than taking part in leisure activities, resulting in increased emotional stress. The objective of this essay is to evaluate the causative factors and its solutions. First and foremost, parents’ expectations are widely deemed to be one of the main stressors for teenagers. Time and again, securing a place in renowned educational institutions becomes children’s prime concerns which, incidentally, create plenty of pressure when they are afraid of failing their parents’ expectations. Subsequently, children become irritated when they have

Early Work or Education

Many people say that the only way to guarantee getting a good job is to complete a course of universities education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views? In our times, it is widely deemed that job opportunities can be seized by means of an outstanding academic profile. Nonetheless, there are those who contend that experience outweigh academic achievements in certain cases. In this sense, whether an individual working early without completing a degree is beneficial or detrimental is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, being acknowledged to be prime professionals in society, doctors and lawyers enjoy stable and gainful income. It is evident that without university qualifications, students are by no means allowed to pursue a career as doctors or lawyers. Furthermore, it is a common occurrence that degree holders are sought after. Needless to say, this is co


中環閣麟街 32-34 號美輪樓地下 C 號舖 電話:2117 4123 本來打算到吉野家試食上月底新出的芝士雞窩,誰不知已全線停售。 轉了吃韓國餐廳- 韓韓館 部隊鍋是這家餐廳主打,而且價錢合理,百多元便可享用二人份量。 本人對部隊鍋一點興趣都沒有,我們點了推介菜-芝士炒排骨及蒜香海老帶子飯。 芝士炒排骨 ($138) 剛上桌時排得很整齊的,及後,待應把鍋底的洋葱及芝士反了點上來,並說待一會芝士便會溶。 它的辣不是來自泡菜或辣醬,而是胡椒,因此辣得格外香。 排骨很淋,炆得夠入味,配上胡椒芝士及洋葱,伴飯吃一流。 蒜香海老帶子飯 ($88) 在這些餐廳吃海鮮當然是急凍貨試,但沒想到它們上桌時份然是凍的。 雖然有濃濃蒜香,但仍有點失望。 餐廳裝修陳舊,卡位的椅皮已破損,洗水間的水龍頭也是壞的。

銅鑼灣-Mr. Steak

地址:銅鑼灣告士打道 280 號世貿中心 6 樓 電話:2881 5757 是次到Mr. Steak享用自助晚餐,聽說這家餐廳的自助餐質素高,但每次想到價錢這個問題便卻步了。 我們食量不大,每人一餐要五百多元,實在太貴了。 就著豐信用卡的優惠-四人同行,一人免費,就來試一次。 即日訂枱於星期日晚上1930時段入坐,因較遲訂枱,須坐近門口位置。 1930這個時段的自助餐所提供的食物種類最多,價錢亦最貴的。 食物方面,好味的東西如下: 開邊凍龍蝦-約手掌大,肉質爽口,部份有鮮橙色的膏。 凍麵包蟹-蟹蓋已有很多膏。 凍長腳蟹-鹹度適中,啖啖肉。 凍青口-青口一般都沒有什麼味道,但我覺得這裏的青口頗香甜,有點意外。 帶子刺身-鮮甜大片。 自助餐的刺身一般都要排隊才有,但這家的刺身師父未免太吝嗇吧,我點了帶子,赤貝及鯛魚刺身,她只給我一粒帶子和一片赤貝,三片鯛魚。 芝士波-用芝士包著一粒甜甜的提子,外層沾了芝麻,鹹甜適中,是有趣好味的小食。 羊腩煲-羊肉炆得又淋又入味,配上腐乳,拍得住大牌檔。 豬腳薑-不會太甜,豬腳亦多肉,不會皮包骨。 牛肉壽喜燒-來自日本九州的牛牛,薄薄一片,醬汁香甜。 燒羊架-這個較少失手的菜式,不會過熟及過生,肥瘦適中。 北海道牛乳布甸-應該用上3.6北海道牛乳,入口香滑,超濃奶味。 心太軟-聽說是這裏的招牌菜式,熱烘烘,內裏充滿朱古力醬。甜品師父亦會應客人要求在碟上填上字句及繪圖。 但一件令人失望的事發生了: 由於食客眾多,客人須要將所填字句寫在紙上,師父會續一完成。 我等了很久也看不到屬於我的心太軟,碰巧看到師父手上剛完成的紙是我寫的字,但不知被誰刪了改做自己的句子。 很可惡,小時候便聽人說香港人最愛排隊,排隊守規以往都是香港人的美得,不知被誰破壞了美譽。 幸好師父得知後亦立刻幫我繪一個。 沒提及的食物水準一般吧,但有以下這些可免則免: 片皮鴨-鴨還好吧,但它的皮(白色那片)是涼的,而且超及硬,用牙也咬不開。 韓牛-雖說是自助餐的其中一道主打菜式,但煮得太熟了,而且沒有牛味,只有肉的質感。 其實在這裏做待應和洗碗的都很辛苦,很多又大又重的碟要搬和洗。 平日吃自助餐都習慣把自己的碟重用,但

Advertising Power

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extend do you agree or disagree? In our times, with the ubiquitous advertisements shown on television, the sales of goods have surged dramatically. There are those who contend that those advertisements incite consumers to purchase unnecessary items. In this sense, whether advertisements are selling product which are in the real needs is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, being advertised by popular singers and renowned actors, products are notably in great demand amongst youngsters. Needless to say, youngsters purchase these products impulsively and are obvious to the necessity of buying these items. Hence, the green generations spend plenty of their disposable income on products advertised by their favourite singers or actors in order to give support to their idols. From another stance, sterling quality and appealin

Freedom of Speech

Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society? In former times, freedom of speech was strictly constricted for the benefit of counties’ development. Nonetheless, there are those who contend that freedom of speech is the unique means for improving a free society. In this sense, whether freedom of speech is consistently detrimental to countries’ development is yet to be ascertained. From one stance, politicians take advantage of freedom of speech to slander their opponents in the legislative council which undermines the efficiency of their meetings. To illustrate, a member of the council rejects an agenda proposed based on a rumour that the member proposing the agenda is having beneficial connections with a corporation, irrespective of the positive outcome it may be brought. Evidently, freedom of speech becomes a hindrance of countries’ development. From another stance, freedom of speech incites the general public to fight for their right. In former times, employees work

Juvenile Delinquency

Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among youngster under the age of 18. Some psychologists claimed that the basic reason for this is that children these days are not getting the social and emotional learning they need from parents and teachers. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion? In our times, the number of juvenile delinquency has surged dramatically worldwide. A staggering number of individuals, notably psychologists, claimed that parents and teachers fail to instill proper values in their offspring. Nevertheless, there are those who contend that children are prone to commit offences due to peer influence. Hence, the reason behind the rising figures is yet to be ascertained. From one stance, it is common occurrence that both parents are far too preoccupied with their work. In truth, the time they devote to their children’s upbringing is inadequate. In like manner, as teachers are in charge of different subjects, they consistently fail to fatho


Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. The recent decades have witnessed an ever-increasing concern about punishments of each type of crime. Nonetheless, a staggering number of individuals insist that punishments should be subject to certain considerations. In this sense, whether a fixed punishment for each type of crime is beneficial or detrimental to the general public is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, the deterring effect of fixed punishments convinces potential-criminals to reconsider their act. It is imperative to let the general public realise the punishment that they would receive. Hence, being imprisoned, criminals lose their freedom, which prevents potential law-breakers from committing o


在西貢市中心巴士總站搭乘94號巴士於西貢戶外訓練營下車。 沿馬路靠左向黃石方向走約幾分鐘,便會看到左邊有一條上山的樓梯,這便是是人登山路線的起步點。 開始路段樓梯較多,而且沒有樹陰遮擋,但好處是景觀開揚,可看到西貢對出的其他島嶼,如橋咀,牛尾等。 走過開段的樓梯後,後段則較多樹陰,部份路段較顛簸或多碎石,行走時要格外小心。 這段路較少健行者,我們行山途中只遇到幾名登山者。 走至鯽魚湖及北潭涌分岐路時,打算順道到鯽魚湖看看。 沿指示直行卻走到馬路口,並且是94號巴士途經路段,因此放棄步行至北潭涌,就在鯽魚湖站等巴士回市中心。 長假期最後一天下午,較多遊人由黃石回到市中心,我們等了兩架巴士才可迫上車。 我覺得九巴的手機應用程式很完善,為市民著想。 只要打開九巴App, 搜尋所需路線,便可得知該巴士將會於多久到達某車站。 若新巴或城巴都有此服務便好了。

Youth crime

Levels of youth crime are increasingly rapidly in most cities around the world. What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions. The recent decades have witnessed increasing concerns about juvenile delinquency in certain countries. There are those who contend that adolescents lack a role model, which easily leads them astray by detrimental influences including drugs and crime. In this sense, whether governments should provide more support for families are beneficial to deter youngster from committing crime is yet to be ascertained. First and foremost, being brought up in single-parent families, adolescents often commit offences. Without a role model as guidance, youngster, notably boys, always hang around with teenagers who share a similar family background and find their own entertainment. Needless to say, crime is one of the forms of entertainment they would have. Nevertheless, having a father acting as a role model, youngsters can come to realisation that crime sh